Review: DeJapan experience #gifted

Hi everyone! How have you all been? I’m so glad to be back, I’ve missed blogging so much. My exams are all done, so I can get more stuff up in the coming weeks 🙂

Today I’ll be reviewing my experience with a website called DeJapan.  So basically DeJapan is a proxy shopping website based in Japan, where you can bid and buy with 0% commission. I’ll be honest, at first I had never heard of this website as I don’t do a lot of online shopping (yes, I’m serious!). On DeJapan, you can purchase items from:

  • Yahoo! Japan
  • Rakuten
  • Amazon Japan
  • and many more!

DeJapan also allows:

  • pre-ordering/reserving items
  • auctioning of items
  • international shipping
  • tracked shipping
  • ordering from multiple stores e.g. purchasing 1 thing from Yahoo! Japan and Amazon Japan
  • a variety of payment options: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB cards, and PayPal.

If you’d like to learn more about DeJapan, just click here.

The site is available in Japanese and English, so it’s easy to navigate if you don’t speak Japanese.

DeJapan also has a range of items to choose from:

  • Beauty & Cosmetics
  • Technology
  • Games
  • CD/DVD
  • Books
  • Food
  • and so much more!


My Experience:

Now onto my experience from start to finish:

I received an email from DeJapan, asking me if I’d like to try their website, and their products for review purposes. They gave me 2x2500JPY coupons, which is roughly $60AUD, to spend on any 2 items in their store. This was such an amazing opportunity, how could I say no!

I then spent a few days scrolling through the range of items they had on offer on their website – and I was so impressed! They had such a wide variety of items for offer, I wanted to buy them all! I decided on getting some beauty items, and then continued to spend another few hours scrolling to find the best 2 things I wanted. I finally decided on a lip tint – because I’ve always wanted one but never got the chance to actually purchase one haha, I already have so many lip products that I need to finish! I also purchased a gorgeous eyeshadow palette, which contained the shades that I’ve been looking for. There we go, I chose my two items and was set to pay for them.

After you select the items you want, you pay and they send you an email just to confirm it and then your items are sent over to the warehouse. This took just under 2 weeks, but was worth the wait. Once they arrived at the warehouse, you had to pay again but this time for the delivery. They had a heap of options for – packaging, type of delivery, etc. Once I paid for the delivery, I had to put in my details – where else would they ship it to! After this,  they send you another email just to confirm payment.

And before I knew it, a package had arrived at my doorstep. I kid you not, it took 3 days to get to me, maybe even 2.5. I was shocked at how fast and efficient the delivery was. It came in a box with bubble wrap inside and around the items – because I chose the wrapping/packaging options as I had purchased an eyeshadow palette and didn’t want it to shatter. I was so excited to start using these goodies, god, they were so pretty! I savagely ripped apart of bubble wrap and there they were.

Etude House “My Little Nut” in #Lucky Red Little Nut and Skinfood “Tomato Cool Jelly Tint”


Etude House “My Little Nut” in #Lucky Red Little Nut:

I had never tried anything from Etude House before, because they were way too expensive to buy in store, and I don’t online shop a lot – as I mentioned above. This small eyeshadow palette was apart of their Holiday Nutcracker Edition 2016, and I got it for 1460JPY (17AUD), which I think is pretty good. Considering the size and brand, I think $17 is a pretty good price.

The Packaging

My Little Nut also comes in “Wish Blue,” with 2 brown shades, 1 gold shade, 2 blue shades and a purple shade. But “Lucky Red,” comes with 1 brown shade, 2 pink shades – 1 shimmery, 1 orange shade, 1 hot pink shade and 1 burgundy shade.

The Eyeshadow Palette

The Interior

Photo taken from DeJapan

Close up on the shades

L-R: Hey Good Nut, Merry Nut, Toffee Latte, Candy Fairy, Nut Cracker, Red Brick.

The back of the packaging: Description, Directions, Caution and Ingredients.

I really like the shades in this palette, and I hope to get more use out of it in the future.


Skinfood “Tomato Cool Jelly Tint”

Skinfood is actually a brand that I’m familiar with! They also do a range of skincare and I have their rice scrub mask! I decided to get this because I really wanted a lip tint and I’ve heard so many good things about these jelly tints, so I gave it a try. The packaging is really cute and simplistic.

The Jelly Tint

I was really impressed with the formula and colour of this too!

Interesting applicator


I’m looking forward to getting more use out of this in the future too! It adds a dash of colour to your lips on the days when you’re not too bothered to be dramatic.



I was pretty pleased with my experience and my purchases from DeJapan. I’ll definitely purchase other items from this store in the near future. Thank you to Kei, once again, for allowing me to be apart of this opportunity.

If you’re interested in purchasing from DeJapan, or would like more information on how it works, just click here.

Until next time, thanks for reading!


**These products were #gifted by DeJapan, for review purposes.  I am not being paid in any way to post about these.


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