Why I Started Blogging

Hello lovely people!

Another Saturday post, thank you for joining me today. Winter is hitting Sydney, and it’s starting to get a whole lot colder. What season are you all currently in? Let me know down below!

So today, I let you know why I started blogging. I’ve always liked blogging and being able to share my experience, thoughts, likes and my world with the people around me, or even perhaps with someone who’s half way across the globe! Blogging enables you to connect with people from all walks of life, and all over the globe – if that doesn’t sound amazing to you, then I’m not sure what is!

Years ago I use to manage a few Tumblr blogs – I’m sure you’ve all heard or this platform, or maybe even have used it at some point in time. I remember I first started it when I was 13 and as I got older, I just didn’t really have time for it anymore, so I abandoned it. At first, I was really confused and amazed – I didn’t really understand how to use it, but it was amazing because it was something new that I’d never used before or even seen. My friends also had tumblr blogs, and guided me on how to use it. Throughout the years, I had created over 5 different kinds of blogs, all with different themes. I enjoyed switching up the themes every now and then, to remain fresh. I previously ran a few fan accounts for musicians, youtubers, entertainers etc, as well as having a personal one which had photos and texts of things I liked or agreed with. I really like tumblr because it enabled me to learn, sympathise and honestly just express myself in a way that I could never have. I’d often stumble upon text posts that expressed EXACTLY how I was feeling a particular day, or how I thought – it was amazing because finally I could understand myself a lot better. It also enabled me to learn more about myself. There were often long text posts that circulated which talked about self-care, love, relationships and many things that aren’t generally talked about or taught in the physical world, rather than online. It really did help me understand the world better too. I think everyone should try blogging at least once in their life, I mean you might abandon it and then come back in a few years accidentally and realise how much your life has changed since creating that blog and all that content.

I started this blog, because I was so inspired by all the bloggers I saw on Instagram. All these girls and guys who shared their experiences, likes, dislikes, honest opinions, tips etc, the list goes on. To be honest, I’m not much of a reader – I usually don’t read books, mainly because I’ve formed a distaste for them, due to being forced to read boring-ass books during my schooling years, hopefully I’m not the only one! I seldom read, when I have the time and find something that I like and am interested in, I’m super picky with what type of books I like to read.

Anyways, when I started this blog, I wanted it to be beauty focused, but at the same time I wanted it to be a space where I can voice my opinions or thoughts and see if anyone can relate. That’s why I’ve dedicated those types of posts to Saturday! The more wordy, heart to heart type of posts. I do love all things beauty – which is they’re on Wednesday! I felt Saturday was a very ‘lazy’ kind of day where you can just unwind, and catch up on things that you might’ve missed during the week. I also had more time on Saturdays to write up posts, because I could unwind from the week of uni. I hope to inspire people with my posts, whether they be beauty-related or even posts like these!

Well, you’ve come to the end of another Saturday post, hope you enjoyed it! You’re welcome back here every Saturday for your weekly dose of essay reading haha! I’ll have a post on tips to start a blog in a few weeks – let me know if you’re interested in reading that. Don’t forget, I have a giveaway running until the end of this month, so please enter while there’s still plenty of time, I’d really appreciate it. It’sย international ANDย you get to choose from 1 of the 3 prizes. Head over to my ‘giveaway’ tab or click here, and follow the instructions and you’ll be in the running to win a fantastic Tarte set of your choice!

Unfortunately I will not be able to post for the next 3 weeks on my blog as I have exams that I’d like to focus on – hope that’s ok with everyone! I’ll still try to be as active as I can on my instagram! Thanks everyone for your support and I’ll see you in two weeks for more content ๐Ÿ˜˜


2 Replies to “Why I Started Blogging”

  1. I really love how you’ve written this! I think you’ve captured how a lot of bloggers feel and their reasons for blogging- connecting with people you’d never usually get the chance to connect with! โค๏ธ I’m looking forward to more of your Saturday posts๐Ÿ˜Š also good luck in your exams!


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