Meet me Mondays with Diandra – @diandrapotocki

Hello everyone!

A new month means a new interview and today I’ll be interviewing Diandra from @diandrapotocki. Diandra has been a supporter of my blog and IG for quite some time now so I thought it would be fitting to learn more about her!

So tell us a bit more about yourself.

My name is Diandra or Dee for short. I’m 28, from Sydney, Australia. I’ve had a fair few careers but Travel and Tourism has remained my expertise and passion.

I’ve always been a huge makeup collector and an avid skincare lover. This led me to become a starter entrepreneur selling my own microfiber facial towel via Amazon USA. Starting my own e-commerce business online has given me a lot of satisfaction.

Judging from your IG, i see you use nail polish quite often – do you have a favourite shade?

I love nail polish! It’s so hard to choose but it would have to be OPI, ‘Mod About You’ a pastel pink/lilac creme that goes with everything. I’ve been through countless bottles of this shade.

What’s your go to skincare products?
A micellar water, Bioré Baking Soda Cleansing Micellar Water (currently using).
I like to double cleanse so this is my first step in sunscreen, daily gunk and makeup removal. I like how easily it breaks everything up before I cleanse.

An SPF 50+ Sunscreen, Bioré UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence Sunscreen (current using).
The best anti-ageing secret there is! Protection from harmful UVB rays causing sunburns and cancer and UVA rays for stopping wrinkles. It’s very helpful with calming my redness as the sun and heat are triggers for my skin type. Not to mention this is such an aesthetically pleasing formula.

A nourishing moisturiser, QV intensive Moisturising Cream (current using).
I try my best to keep my skin moisturised as it promotes a healthy skin barrier and aids in healing. This is quite rich but it helps me tremendously when my skin is misbehaving.

What’s a makeup trend you never got behind?


I gave it a go a few times using cream shades and they just removed my base makeup and powders made me look muddy. It may very well have been the products I used but I feel like it’s just a little too many steps in my makeup routine I’d like to take.

For now I’m happy with bronzer/blush/highlight.

Where do you buy most of your makeup from?

I buy most of it at Sephora, Mecca Maxima and Priceline.

Do you do anything with your hair?
I get blunt cuts with some framing around the face and regular trims every 3 months or so.

Colour wise I get my hair coloured a creamy blonde Ombre/Balayage once a year.

What inspired you to start your IG account and blog?

I started my Instagram account at the same time I started my YouTube channel. I wanted to share my knowledge on skincare and makeup and just have fun socialising with others who share the same love of all things beauty related.

I was also in the process of building my e-commerce business in 2017 so I knew having a solid blog/website and social media platforms would be beneficial.

Do you have any advice for those who also wish to start their own beauty-related IG/blog?

  • Consistency is key.
  • Aim to blog at least once a week but more is always good if possible.
  • Jot down all your ideas and inspiration on your phone or old school, pen and paper.
  • Create a posting schedule for IG/blog and follow it, it helps you keep on track.
  • Remember to appreciate others’ work too, it’s like a ripple effect.
  • The beauty community is such a friendly community!
  • If you don’t get around to your goals, don’t give up.

Who are your favourite youtubers?
Lisa Eldridge – Makeup fix
Dr Dray – Skin fix
ResortTV1 – Disney fix

Where can we find your social media accounts?

You can kind find me on IG @diandrapotocki and my blog DMP Health

That’s all I have for you this week, keep an eye out next week for a new blog post!

With love,

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