How to Get Free Beauty Products

Hi everyone!

Today I’ll be sharing with you some tips and tricks on how to get free beauty products. This isn’t some sort of life hack, I’ll be telling you all how to get legitimate beauty products for free!

I’ve been a lover of beauty products for so long, and since then my love has only grown. I used to spend a lot of my time online researching different products and finding reviews and all that kind of stuff.

There are a bunch of beauty websites out there that provide kind of like a forum for all things beauty, showcase reviews, beauty articles on what’s the latest trend etc.

Most of the time, those websites tend to give away free products to their loyal subscribers. Some come with a catch, and some don’t. Some are out of chance and pure luck, and others are very selective. But at the end of the day, you receive a free product either way!


Beauty Crew:

Beauty Crew has a ‘Review Crew’ where you basically create an account (this account allows you to do so much more than submit reviews though!) and opt in to be apart of the Review Crew. After sending in an application, they will deem whether or not you are the right candidate to join the Crew.

Once you are accepted into it, they will email you periodically with new products to try. You fill out the questionnaire and then you wait!

Not everyone gets selected for every trial, it depends on your answers.

If you are successful, then you will be informed via email and the product will be sent to you within the next few days (times may vary depending on where you live).

Inside the package will be the product and a card detailing ways to review the product and when the review should be posted.

As the date comes closer, they’ll also email you a reminder + the link for the review.


What I love about Beauty Crew is that the reviews are by everyday people. Not ‘famous influencers’ or socialites getting paid to endorse a product. They’re real reviews – positive and negative ones, from people just like you and me. I feel when reviews come from everyday people, I find them to be more genuine – well at least compared to an ‘influencer’. I’m always quite skeptical of influencer reviews, especially ones they have been paid to endorse.


If you’re interested in joining the Review Crew, just click here.



Social Soup:

So Social Soup operates in a similar way, except it’s all done on their app. They also collaborate with influencers on projects.

With Social Soup, you basically fill out a profile and from then, they will periodically send you projects that may interest you.

You also fill out the questionnaire and depending on whether you’re interested or not (usually the last question) they will let you know whether you’ve been selected for the project.

With Social Soup, they don’t just have beauty products ready for review. They have all kinds of other projects, such as ones involving food and drink, products for children/babies and so much more.

All reviews are done on their app and you must post about your project on either Facebook or IG. There are levels to be achieved by completing tasks. The more tasks you complete, the more you level up.

If you’re interested in joining Social Soup, you must download their app.



Beauty Heaven:

Beauty Heaven is similar to Beauty Crew in content. However, they do run competitions from time to time and have a trial team AND rewards program. As with Social Soup, there are different levels on this as well.

You are accredited points for each review/photo/comment you do, the more points you acquire, the higher you level up.

To join the Trial Team, you must have completed the requirements, which you can find here.


Style Korean:

Style Korean often does events where they reach out to followers who fill out a questionnaire and based on that questionnaire, Style Korean chooses whether they’re suitable or not.

They post about these events on their IG, which then leads to filling out the questionnaire on their website.

I have previously participated in one of their events and it was really cool to try out some new Korean Beauty products.

If you’re interested in their events, then keep an eye out for them on their IG. Please note not everyone gets chosen.


These are just a few companies that do free beauty products. There are so many more out there as brands often post onto their IG (or even FB), looking for dedicated customers to review some of their products so make sure you keep an eye out on your favourite brands so you don’t miss out!


I hope you enjoyed reading this weeks post. I’m hoping to include more ‘tips and tricks’-like posts this year. Please let me know if you have any requests as well!


With love,

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