Why I Started Instagram

Hello lovely people!

The end of another week, what plans do you have for the weekend? I’m drowning in assessments, but if you are too, don’t worry, we can get through it together! Today I bring you a post relating to my instagram account, and why I chose to start it.

I started my account in November 2015, after weeks and weeks of thinking about it. I finally took the plunge one day and went with it. I started my account out of pure love for all things beauty. I’d admired people that would post and share their beauty items – ones they hated and ones they loved and I wanted to share my love for beauty as well. I loved seeing people’s flatlays and motds (makeup of the day). I loved seeing people’s favourite brands, lipsticks, blushes, highlights and all that. I just wanted to be apart of this community that shared the things they loved.

Starting my account wasn’t particularly easy, and along the way I experimented for what worked best for me and what didn’t. It was really fun and I encourage everyone to pursue something that they love doing. I’ve had more than 600 people share their interest of beauty and makeup with me, and I got to meet lots of different people along the way. If you’re looking for a sign to pursue something that you love, this is it!


Thanks for reading! I’ll have a post coming up on tips to start your own instagram account in the following weeks. See you back here on Wednesday and Saturday, but if you can’t wait that long, follow me on Instagram for daily posts!



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