Review: Bright Nights – White Glo #gifted

Hello beautiful people,

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve got a blog post up! No, I haven’t forgotten about you all, I’ve just been super busy. I really do miss blogging, but it does take up a lot of time in my already busy as routine.

If any one has been following my instagram (@VQP. usu BEAUTY) you’ll have seen that I received some goodies from White Glo! One of the products I received was the Bright Nights dissolving whitening films.

I’ve always been curious about whitening products and this was a great chance for me to try them out. On the packaging it says:

White Glo Bright Nights is a revolutionary new way to whiten your smile instantly. The dissolving Whitening films will instantly give your teeth an instant whitening “top up” by up to a shade or more.

  • Dissolving whitening films (strips), easy and no mess involved
  • Use when you need an instant whitening boost
  • Use multiple Bright Night films for glamourous “party-ready” results


In one packet, there are 6 films and it’s recommended to use White Glo Toothpaste and White Glo Diamond Series Whitening system for long lasting results.


I don’t smoke, nor am I an avid coffee/tea drinker. Since I started my new job a few months ago, I’ve started drinking coffee and tea a bit more than before. My teeth were never pearly white, but they weren’t very stained either – it was in the middle I guess. This was my second time using any teeth whitening products, I’ve tried the whitening tooth paste from Colgate a few years ago. I didn’t find that there was much of a change to be honest.



  1.  Moisten surface of teeth by running tongue over them. The film will adhere to the moisture.
  2. Remove the dry film from packet and place against the row of teeth you are treating.
  3. Allow to dissolve completely. Rinse mouth with water before eating or drinking. Don’t swallow.


First Impressions:

If anyone has had rice paper rolls before, it honestly feels like rice paper against your teeth, except these films are thinner. Once they start dissolving your mouth feels kind of weird and sticky, somewhat uncomfortable. But once they’re all dissolved, your mouth is left with a weird taste – once you rinse your mouth it’s fine.


What I like:

  • Easy to use

How easy these are to use. Literally 3 steps!

  • Price

Even though I didn’t purchase these, they’re quite affordable.

  • Travel friendly

The compact packaging makes them easy to travel with.


What I don’t like:

  • The feel of the product

I didn’t like that feeling it left in my mouth, maybe I’m just not use to it.

  • Amount of time to see results

There wasn’t much of a difference when I used these, compared to if I didn’t use them in the first place. It took a while to see results, and they were very minimal.




The first time I used these, I just used the one strip and didn’t see much of a difference. The second time I used them, I used two strips one after another and still didn’t see much of a difference. However, after a few applications over a few days, I am starting to see the slightest difference.

Whilst my teeth aren’t shining bright, some areas do appear a bit ‘cleaner’ than before.


Would I purchase these:

Not likely.

It took a few applications to see some results and even then, they were quite minimal.


Final Thoughts:

Although they’re advertised as a bit of a ‘pick me up’ I don’t think there is a massive difference if you were to use them vs. if you weren’t going to use them. I’d also like to mention, just because this was gifted to me, all my reviews, and all my opinions are 100% honest.


Thank you all for reading another blog post! I am on break for another week and hope to get a few more blog posts out. Until next time xxx


**These products were #gifted by Sweaty Betty PR. I am not being paid in any way to post about these.



2 Replies to “Review: Bright Nights – White Glo #gifted”

    1. I’ve never tried leaving them on whilst sleeping – mainly because I have to wear a splint to sleep (similar to a retainer). You only need to rinse before drinking and eating but after a while I can’t stand the feel of it on my teeth 😅


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