Iso Glow Up on a Budget

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog post!

As you can tell, we’re talking about an at home isolation glow up! This is going to be like a spa day on a budget with what you have at home, because who doesn’t love a good pampering sesh every now and then. Plus we have all the time in the world now since we’re not going out on the weekend and what not, so spend some time focusing on you and practising self care and self love!

I’ll be listing the activites from head to toe, so no particular order, just do what you can with what you have!


Actually, before we get into it, let’s set the scene. Light a candle (with caution), open a new diffuser or spritz the room with your favourite scent. We want to take this time to get the atmosphere ready so we feel relaxed and rejuvenated. If you have a robe, keep it nearby. If you don’t, not a problem. Have some towels ready, put on your favourite playlist and turn on your do not disturb – this time is all about you.


Let’s talk hair – I’ll be honest, I’m not into haircare as much as I am skincare haha. I just shampoo and conditioner like everyone else, the occasional hair treatment when I’m bothered and I’m done.

I’ve been using the Daily Naturals Moisture Enhance shampoo and conditioner* and it’s pretty good! It’s formulated without parabens and sulfates + it’s vegan! I have been experiencing some hairloss lately, whenever I wash my hair, but since using Daily Naturals, I’ve found that I don’t lose as much hair. Not sure if the shampoo/conditioner is the reason, but I’m glad because I lose an insane amount of hair. Also this range is suited for those with dry hair, which is right up my alley! Every time I wash my hair, I’m like who is she haha, my hair feels so amazing after washing it + the day after it is sooo smooth.

I’ve been using the Ends Sealer after I get out of the shower and I do see a difference in my hair too! It helps to seal the ends and moisturise your hair + prevent split ends and hair breakage – something I suffer from as well from time to time. Anyways, if you’re in the market for a new shampoo/conditioner, defs check out this brand. You can get them from Priceline!

So basically just wash your hair as normal, pop in a treatment if you’ve got the time and use it as directed. Moving on!

Faceand neck

Never forget to give your neck some love too! So let’s start by washing our face so we have a clean canvas to work on. At the moment I’m just using one from Dr Lewinns. Next we want to exfoliate, or use a wash off mask. I’ve been using the Alpha H Micro Cleanse Super Scrub, I put it on my clean face, wait one minute then remove it with my Face Halo. Alternatively you can use a non-exfoliating wash off mask, I like the ones by Innisfree.

Now I would just follow up with toner on a cotton pad, or I’d just give my face a quick spritz of face mist. The next step is totally optional, it’s sheet masking. I’m sure most of us have a few sheet masks just lying around. I trialled the Enbacci Age Revitalising Face Defence Mask* and the Vitis Vinifera Rejuvenating Mask* last month which were great, though I liked the latter a bit more because it left my skin with a glow! Another optional step here is using a facial roller/face massager, I don’t have one so I just massaged the serum into my skin after I discarded the mask.

Next I just followed with the rest of my skincare routine, I focused on hydration so I justed a hydrating serum and popped on some moisturiser and that’s it!


I know we’ve all been seduced by the Frank Body coffee scrubs at least once right? I have one in my shower for when I’m feeling a little crusty. You can also use a sugar scrub or whatever other scrub you may have on hand. Alternatively you can make your own – just get some sugar (brown, raw, white, any really) and some neutral oil (coconut, jojoba, avocado, grapeseed), mix it and that’s it! Scrub your body and be careful around your delicate areas.

Next is optional – hair removal. I’m a shaver because I find it more efficient that at home wax strips – I just get so tired of trying to wax that one hair that won’t budge. I use some body wash before I shave, but if you’ve already prepped your skin and everything, it’s not necessary.

Then lastly, moisturise! I like to moisturise my skin when it’s a little damp, at the moment I’m just using a Priceline brand sorbelene because it gets the job done and that’s it! Not onto the last part…feet!


You can do a foot soak with like bath salts or epsom salts, though not entirely necessary! If you’ve got a foot care kit, give them a scrub then give your toe nails a trim and a file. Personally I paint my toes white and leave my finger nails bare. I love using the shade ‘Well, well, well’ by Sally Hansen, paired with the 7 in 1 Treatment – my nail polish lasts sooo long and I can’t recommend the treatment enough, I swear it saved my nails. My nails used to get broken so easily, then I bought this at half price and it is the best! My nails wouldn’t break so much and they actually grew out pretty good too! Lastly some foot moisturiser never hurt anybody, I’d use some before bed and pop some socks on and it’s like I have new feet when I wake up!

Hope you’ve all enjoyed this blog post and hopefully you give yourself an overdue pampering sesh some time soon. We all love a self care day, but aside from working on ourselves on the outside, it’s always good to do a little work inside as well. I love journalling, especially when I feel overwhelmed. I just jot down my thoughts in silence and just let my pen do the talking. I feel so much better after getting everything out, sometimes you just need someone to listen, without someone necessarily listening. I also like to have a positive outlook, I will admit it’s not 100% of the time because we all have our off days. I always try to seek the brighter side of things and practice gratitude. Lastly I like to manifest things into my life, like repeating things such as “I will get the job” or “I will do well in the test” or simply “I can do it”. It just helps reinforce that positive energy. Also, it’s good to talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling, or seek professional help, there’s nothing wrong with that at all! We all want to be the best versions of ourselves, but you gotta put the work in and start from within!

See you all next week!

With love,

*This blog post features gifted products as marked by an asterisk (*), I am not being paid to mention any of these products. All opinions are my own.

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