How to Get PR

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to a new blog post, hope you’re all having a lovely September so far. Today I thought I would share some tips on how to get PR. I’ve seen a few people speak about this and I have wanted to for a while now but just never had the time to really put my thoughts down.

I’ve been on Instagram for about 5 years now, almost five years. In that time I’ve learnt a lot about PR and the whole premise of gifting. No-one ever told me anything, everything I learnt was from doing or from seeing how others did it.

Consider a media kit
Some bloggers and Instagrammers have a media kit which they give out to brands/companies they want to collaborate with. A media kit will detail your stats and showcase some of your best work. It’s like a resume of your blog/Instagram.

Personally I don’t have one and have never sent one out, but I suppose it’s good to have if you really want to be prepared. However, if you’re sending them out to all the brands that you want to collaborate with, just be aware that some companies don’t even reply, or they’ll simply say no thanks – but don’t feel discouraged if that happens!

Reach out to brands
I know some people have done this, just shoot the brand a DM or an email letting them know you’re open to collaborate and send them your statistics. I know there are some brands that might agree to a collaboration, especially if they see/know that you’re already a fan of their products. It can never hurt to try!

I have reached out to brands in the past, many years ago though. Some were successful, some weren’t. These days I prefer them to reach out to me.

Just do you

Everyone starts a blog or Instagram for a reason, whether it’s to share what they love or keep track of progress, everyone has a reason. I think the key to success here is passion. You should start something because you have a passion for it, not because you’re thinking of the possible rewards etc.

If you just keep being you, posting about what you love, then sometimes brands will reach out to you! If they’re liking your content then they might just reach out to you for an opportunity to collaborate.

Personally, I’ve had brands reach out to me because they like what I post. If you keep being yourself, then you will attract the right people!

Don’t give up or be too discouraged!

PR is definitely a ‘luxury’ thing, people think it’s easy to just post a product and call it a day, but there are many things to consider. When receiving PR, you risk your skin and your health to try these products. You have to be careful with how you incorporate these new items into your routines. Will you have an adverse reaction? Will it not turn out right for you? There are many things to consider, like I said.

Lastly, if you do get PR, remember to disclose, remain honest and open to your audience that trusts your opinions. Don’t say you like something just because it was a PR sample. If it didn’t work for you, maybe give the brand some feedback so they can improve their future products or services.

That’s all I have for this week, if you have any tips on how to receive PR, just leave it down below!

Have a great week!

With love,

3 Replies to “How to Get PR”

  1. Like you say, there is no rule book when it comes to PR, so I also love to have this honest conversation. Most brands do ask to see my media kit which I find interesting too bc you say you don’t have one! xx

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    1. I’ve thought about making a media kit in the past, but I didn’t think it was worth the effort as I prefer brands reach out to me, rather than me reaching out to them. I’m lucky enough to be on a few PR lists, which just started from a simple DM or message to join in on a campaign and that was that, and since then I’ve had an ongoing PR relationship with those brands/companies. I’ve never been asked for a media kit either, so guess it all works out for everyone haha!

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