Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Hey beauty lovers,

Can you believe that 2019 is right around the corner?! This year has definitely gone by so quickly but it felt like 2 seconds. As promised, I would include more lifestyle posts on my blog, maybe some more personal blog posts where you get to know more about me and my likes and all that stuff. What better way to welcome the new year than telling you all a bit more about myself and how my 2018 was.


I’ll introduce myself a bit more first:

Hello, my name is Irene, I’m from Sydney, Australia and I’m a university student. I currently study Media, with a major in PR and Advertising and I hope to work in that industry one day because honestly, there’s not a lot that interests me that’s offered at university.

This is actually my third degree in two years – confusing right? When I finished high school I wasn’t entirely sure on what to do so I just applied for things that I wouldn’t mind studying and making a career out of. Unfortunately, I didn’t get into what I wanted so I just got into a random course – as a gateway to university so I could then transfer to something else. I spent a year studying Marketing – something I quite enjoyed, except for when I did the Market Research unit, this was just a whole other level of confusion to me.

In 2018, I moved to a new university and a new degree. I initially didn’t think I’d make it into this degree but I did so then I started studying Communication, with a major in Digital and Social Media and minor in Advertising. I really enjoyed doing this but THEN I received another offer to my current university and course, so I moved AGAIN. I swear this will be the last time I move haha. So here I am, starting at square one and being a first year student for the third time. Whilst I don’t mind staying back at university and finishing later than intended, I’m glad I found something I’m actually interested in doing and pursuing.

Enough about university, umm… I really enjoy cooking and baking, going out and finding new places to eat with my boyfriend or my friends. I also love a good movie and TV show, and you’ll find me watching Netflix most of the time. Well, as you already know, I love all things beauty, though I have found that I lean more towards the skincare side, than the makeup side. I don’t do anything with my nails – in fact, I’ve never gotten my nails done at a salon. I rarely do anything to my hair either, it’s been dyed before but that has since been chopped off. I do at-home treatments when I’m bothered and that’s pretty much about it.



Now, how was my 2018 you ask?

It wasn’t too bad. After the bad streaks I had with 2016 and 2017, I didn’t think 2018 would be anything above that, but to my surprise it was good. As I mentioned above, I got into a new course and I started dating my boyfriend. I had the chance to attend many concerts and festivals (before 2018, I had only attended 1 concert – shocking, I know!). I had quit my job the previous year so I didn’t have a job for most of this year (up until last month).

Regarding my IG and blog, I had more collaborations and my blog turned one years old. I held a few giveaways and despite IG’s algorithm changes and all that stuff with engagement, I’m pretty happy with my growth – at least I know it’s genuine.

Hmm…what else… I started another new course mid-way through the year. I had my first birthday with my boyfriend and it was amazing – check out that blog post here. We also celebrated his first birthday together and I was so happy I was able to pull it off.

This month has been pretty boring to be honest, but I think I’d rather have a break than be doing assignments and going to university right now haha.


Did I have a new years resolution?

Not quite, I think I just wanted to be happy and I guess I was pretty happy this year.


Do I have any resolutions for next year?

Yes! I would like to be more out there and less shy. I’m a pretty shy person and being in social situations can give me anxiety sometimes. I had some pretty anxious moments this year as well and it felt terrible. I hope to overcome this and make 2019 as good as it can be.


That’s all I have for this year, I hope you enjoyed learning more about me and what I want to achieve in 2019. Let me know if you have any new years resolutions for next year 🙂


Happy New Year everyone and thank you for your support over the past year and a bit. I can’t wait to create more content in the new year!


With love,



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