Interview with Kenzie – @kenziskollection


It’s a new month which means it’s time for a new interview! Today I’ll be interviewing Kenzie from @kenziskollection.


Tell me a bit about yourself

My name is actually Mackenzie but I much prefer Kenzie over Macca. I just turned 23 in August which is crazy because I feel like 18 still! I live in Brisbane and absolutely love it here, moving here was the best thing I ever did!

I’m originally from the Gold Coast but I’ve also lived in Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays. My biggest hobby is travel! I love to see new things and try new experiences. I also love to cook and learn about different foods and the effects they have on your body! Plus who doesn’t love to eat!


When did you start your IG account/blog/other social media channels and why?

I started my IG account in April 2017 and back then I actually collaborated on it with my best friend, at the start it was fantastic to have someone to bounce ideas on and share with but we are both a little stubborn and it ended up being better for us to have our own accounts. So in July 2017 my account became Kenziskollection.


My Youtube, Kenzieskollection, I started about 6 months ago but I haven’t been the best at actually uploading! I currently have two videos that need editing but I haven’t gotten around to yet! Hopefully by the end of the year I’ll get them up! And be better with my account next year! Haha.


What are 3 of your favourite accounts?

Choosing is soo hard! I’m constantly inspired by @brokebypayday, @ajiasskindiary and @danicasarza. There are sooo many more than this and I wish I could list them all!


Do you own more skincare or makeup?

I definitely own more makeup than skincare but I’ve been getting into skincare so much more lately. I’m very picky on skincare though!


What’s your HG skincare product?

Can I say the Drunk Elephant Littlies set? I mean I know that’s more than one but I honestly can’t live without DE in my life! Their T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial is the best mask I’ve ever owned though and absolutely makes you wake up the next day with the most perfect baby skin! (Unfortunately we can’t get it here in Australia, along with my second favourite from the brand Protini).


What’s your HG makeup product?

Honestly this is like making me choose which one of my children are my favourite! I’d have to say the Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray! I can create a look with almost anything but if I couldn’t set my face for the day I know it won’t be there when my day is done!


What’s something that you dislike in the beauty community?

I don’t appreciate people in the beauty community who aren’t here for the passion, the ones who follow for a follow back only to unfollow, who just aren’t real with their following and engagement, or those who slide into your DMs looking for a shout out when they don’t even follow you.


Do you have any beauty tips for us?

  • Always take your makeup off!

To get your makeup looking the best you first need to look after your skin!

  • I’m big on eyes first!

I hate trying to clean any fall out off my already finished base.

  • I’m not a big fan on face primer but eye primer is an absolute must!

It always makes my eyeshadow last at least 10 times longer! My favourite is Urban Decay Primer Potion.

  • Be sure to use your skincare on your neck, decolletage and hands!

You don’t want these areas to give away your real age when your face looks 20 years younger!


Do you do anything special in terms of nail care or hair care?

My nails are always a Gel Mani so I just get infills every couple of weeks! They used to be amazing, long and strong when I was younger but since I started working in Hospitality they were always wet and fragile!

My hair I could do way more for. Currently I switch between the Living Proof Restore range (mostly just the shampoo and conditioner) from Mecca or the Kevin Murphy Hair Repair Me Pack (available on Adore Beauty or at most good hairdressers).


Where can we find you?

I currently have 3 Instagrams:

My Youtube is @Kenzieskollection.


Thanks for tuning into another one of my interviews, I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about Kenzie!

A new blog post will be up on Monday and a new interview will be up next month as usual 🙂


With love,





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