Glow with The Beauty Chef

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to another blog post, today I’m talking all about my experiences with Glow Inner Beauty Powder from The Beauty Chef. I actually purchased this after Christmas off their website and got it in a ‘Glowing & Gusty Kit‘ which came with the Collagen Inner Beauty Boost. I paid $71.20 for the kit, but they sell the same one as ‘The Perfect Pair‘ for $99.

I’ve been using the Glow Inner Beauty Powder for about 3 months, and I purchased these after doing much research on their site – they have a range of products it can be overwhelming. They also have a quiz which helps determine which products are best suited for your needs. I did the quiz a few times and in combination with my own research, I found that the Glow Inner Beauty Powder and the Collagen Inner Beauty Boost was best suited for my needs. My reason for purchasing these was to mainly target:

  • Skin health
  • Gut health

The Glow Inner Beauty Powder is a bit of an all in one – it helps with hair, skin, nails and gut. It has zinc, B vitamins and vitamin c. I won’t go too much into the science behind the product, but feel free to check out their website for more info.

A short analysis into my concerns:

  • Skin – I’ve experienced cystic acne in the past, I get break outs every now and then as well. My skin gets pretty red sometimes as well and I have pigmentation and scarring.
  • Gut – I would sometimes experience gut issues at night time, it was strange, maybe the foods I was consuming didn’t go well together. I’d have dinner at say…6pm and consume nothing else in the evening, and then at 12pm I’d just have a stomach ache or feel stomach discomfort.


  • Hair – I naturally have straight hair. My hair is between thick and thin, it’s not bushy nor is it very fine. I have a lot of hair that falls out on an everyday basis, I would say it’s kind of weak.
  • Nails – My nails used to grow pretty well at a decent pace at least and were of decent strength. However, because of the pandemic starting last year, I decided to start wearing gloves at work. Over time I noticed they were a lot more frail and prone to breaking. I’ve never had a professional manicure either.

In trialling this powder, I used it consistently for 1-2 months. I’d have it every single day, whether it would be the first thing I have if I was home, or the first thing I drank when I got home from work. I used a clean, dry spoon and mixed a small spoonful (they say 5g in 200ml of water) into a cup of cold water. I personally prefer it with cold water, I’ve had it with room temperature water (wasn’t as appetising), milk (got kind of clumpy), and smoothies (I did like this). I’ve also been recommended to try it with yoghurt.

To be honest, I wasn’t really ‘keeping track’ of my daily progress with this, but over time I did see such a difference though.

The differences I saw after drinking it consistently:

  • Skin – I found it helped with the appearance of my skin the most, my skin was actually glowing. My redness was not as red as before and I found that the overall appearance of my skin looked a lot ‘healthier’.
  • Gut – I didn’t experience anymore gut issues at night, though this may be because of other factors such as diet, exercise, lifestyle etc.
  • Nails – My nails were so much stronger than before! I was quite surprised to find that they weren’t breaking off as easily as before and they actually did grow to a decent length – whereas before they’d grow and then break so it never got to a medium length.
  • Hair – Hmm…not sure I noticed a huge change in my hair health. It still falls out and is still quite weak. Once again, this could be because of other factors.

So in the third month, I did not use it as frequently, to see how my body would function. Would my progress go to crap? Would it be the same?

The difference:

  • Skin – I noticed a difference in my skin, it wasn’t as glowy as when I was using it frequently. It also seemed a little dull, compared to before.
  • Gut – Same as above.
  • Nails – My nails were still quite strong and grew at a good pace.
  • Hair – Same as above.

So the main difference I saw was in my skin, it just wasn’t as glowy as before. Whereas the others I felt they were kind of the same?

Some pointers:

  • It doesn’t come with a scoop, wish it did because it would be so convenient
  • Mix it really well otherwise it’ll be all clumpy
  • There’s leftover powder at the bottom once you’ve finished drinking it – not a problem at all, just add some water to rinse your cup and drink the rest
  • Refrigerate after opening and use within 90 days
  • I like to drink it through a straw, it just makes it easier and faster to consume. However it is berry flavoured so it’s nice tasting either way!

Have you tried The Beauty Chef products before? How did you go?

With love,

*Disclaimer: All experiences are my own and your experience may differ. There are many other contributing factors to your skin/gut/hair/nail health. Seek professional health advice where needed.

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