A Lifesaver for Very Dry, Irritated Skin

Hello everyone!

It’s been a little while since I posted a review, today I wanted to share a product that has been such a lifesaver for me. It’s the Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume, which I picked up during the last skincare sale at Priceline, where it was 40% off. I have previously tried samples of this and loved it so I got the full size when it was on sale. It retails for $32.99 for 200ml and was an upgrade from the Bioderma Cicabio Pommade which I had, retailing for $17.99 for 40ml. It was nice, I really enjoyed using it but it was just too expensive to keep up with in the long run.

If you’ve seen my Instagram stories, you’d know that from time to time I would share my skin condition, which I have on my right hand. It only occurs on 3 fingers and is very irritating. It’s dry, flaky and often itchy, it’s been around for a few years now and I believe it began from over sanitising my hands. With the pandemic happening, it didn’t help as many places required sanitising before entering their premises. Over time it got a little worse and I was running out of options. I didn’t want to take the medicated path, I just didn’t want to get something with steroids in it, in case of withdrawal symptoms. I did my research and opted for things you could get at your local pharmacy. So far I have found the Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume to be the best. It has ceramides, vitamin e, glycerin and sunflower oil – just to name a few ingredients.

It’s suitable for children and adults, and is:

  • Fragrance-free
  • Paraben-free
  • Non comedogenic
  • Hypoallergenic

What I found it help with was my itchiness. At times I get really itchy, especially when I’m sleeping and I just can’t resist the urge to scratch. I pop some of this cream on and it helps reduce the urge to scratch. It’s not 100% perfect because I still get that urge every now and then, but it does temporarily stop me from wanting to scratch at it.

It’s helped strengthen my skin barrier. Before using this, when I would scratch my fingers, it would get so bad that my skin would crack open and bleed (not a pretty sight). Over time this cream has helped repair my skin barrier and when I do scratch, it doesn’t get to that bad of a point where it’s cracked and bleeding.

It goes without saying, it has moisturised my skin. On days when I find myself to be washing my hands too frequently (I’m constantly washing my hands when I’m cooking) I love using this to moisturise my hands. As I mentioned above, it’s also fragrance free, I’ve previously tried a sample of the Avene Xeracalm Balm and could not get myself used to the scent – it smells so terrible IMO, it’s just off putting and quite strong. The baume is also not oily and not sticky, however it can be a bit tricky to use your phone straight after moisturising so wait a few minutes before touching your phone again, so it has time to absorb into your skin properly.

It says to apply once or twice a day but I just use this whenever my hands are feeling dry or itchy. It has really helped my skin out, and it’s suitable for the face and other parts of the body as well, though those aren’t my areas of concern. I think this would be great to keep in the house as it’s suitable for the whole family and would definitely help you out if any of your loved ones suffer from dry, irritated or itchy skin!

Hope you learnt a little more about this little lifesaving product, it’s too good to keep to myself! A new blog post will be up next week, have a great week!

With love,

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