Why You Need a Beauty Inventory

Hello my friends!

Today I’m letting you know why you need a beauty inventory. This year, on IG I’ve see a lot of my Insta friends going on no buys or low buys, as they want to slow down their beauty consumption. As I’ve previously mentioned, I am fortunate enough to get beauty products because of my job, or due to PR samples. I also purchase my own products and also receive products as gifts from friends. Needless to say, at times, I have a heap of products waiting for me to use.

Recently, I decided to make a beauty inventory. I keep track of all my skincare, makeup and other beauty items, such as nail products or hair products. I do get overwhelmed sometimes by the amount of products I have. Every 1-2 months, I go through my makeup products and chuck things out, if they’re old or things I no longer use. At times I did feel like it’s a ‘waste’ to chuck out these products, some I have not used that much. However at the end of the day, those products were used, even if it’s a little bit and they have served me well so it was time to say goodbye to them. I feel the same with clothes sometimes, there are some I haven’t worn/much and I feel bad for taking them out of my collection – I usually repurpose them for other uses or I donate them. There is so much fast consumption these days, whether it’s fast fashion or brands constantly coming out with new products/releases, it’s just too much.

Anyways, having a beauty inventory has really helped me keep track of my products. I made myself one on Excel and I keep track via categories, e.g. concealer, cleanser, etc. Then I highlight the ones I am currently using, no matter how many there are and then I fill in the rest of my products that are unopened and in my storage. Finally I highlight the ones that are blank, so I know I don’t have any back ups and will have to purchase these once the current ones are finished. It’s simple, though it takes some time to go through your collection and fill everything in, but once that’s done the hard part is over!

Snippet of my skincare inventory with my current products highlighted, and products I don’t have back ups for, highlighted in red
Snippet of my makeup inventory

If you’re interested in creating a beauty inventory but you’re not sure where to start, I’m happy to email over a template for you, just DM on Instagram letting me know you’re interested in a template. I will then ask for your email address so I can send the template to you. Your details will be treated in confidence and will only be used for the purpose of sending the template over, I will not share any details with third parties etc.

I hope you found this blog post helpful, and here’s to a more organised 2021!

With love,

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