Meet me Mondays with Alyshia – @thedailycatchup

Hello and welcome to another interview!

This month I’ll be interviewing the lovely Alyshia of @thedailycatchup, I’ve been following Alyshia for so long and she is such a lovely person. Please do check out her account when you have the chance! Keep reading to find out more about her 🙂

Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Alyshia and I’m from Melbourne, Australia. I love going on long walks with my puppy, swimming and doing yoga. I’m 22 years old and am almost a qualified primary school teacher.

Why did you create your blog and/or IG?
I have a funny story for why I made my Instagram. At the time I created it I was recovering from surgery and was really bored at home. I made it just to pass time but it turned into something bigger, sharing all things beauty and now I use it to share my journey (skincare, health etc).

Any products you’re loving at the moment?

  1. Insight timer (app) – it’s the best meditation app!
  2. Vapour beauty Atmosphere luminous foundation
  3. My dogs
  4. Black pointed toe boots
  5. The colour pink!

What inspires you?
Sarah’s Day is a big inspiration to me because she has PCOS and has managed it naturally.

I’ve been following you for quite some time and I’d love to let everyone know a bit more about your skincare journey.
Ever since I was 14 I’ve been dealing with hormonal acne. Over the years I’ve been told I have PCOS, endometriosis, low progesterone, but it’s still not completely clear what the hormonal imbalance is. I’ve tried almost everything to clear it from completely changing my diet to not wearing makeup. It’s definitely decrease lately which is awesome!

What did you find worked the best for you?

  1. Chinese medicine has personally helped me a lot. My body responds well to herbs and that’s helped balance my hormones.
  2. Altering my diet and eating less processed foods. I’ve also cut out sugar and dairy.
  3. Not wearing makeup and using non toxic skincare products.

Are you a movies or a books person? Is there anything you’re watching or reading at the moment?
Definitely a book person! I love reading, at the moment I’m reading first, we make the beast beautiful by Sarah Wilson and the Hope Falls series by Melanie Shawn (I like to switch between non fiction and fiction books).

What are your top three beauty tips?

  1. Less is better. Especially dry skin because it minimises the cakey look and it just looks better to not pack makeup on over acne.
  2. Use a facial oil in place of a primer, adds a natural dew (just make sure it won’t clash with your foundation ingredients).
  3. Honey is an AMAZING face mask, even lip mask!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I hope I will be happy, healthy and appreciative of life. I’d love to have a house and possibly a baby on the way.

Lastly, where can we find you on social media?
At the moment I’m only active on Instagram @thedailycatchup

That’s all for this week! I hope you enjoyed learning more about Alyshia – don’t forget to check out her page! Thanks for reading this months interview, a new blog post will be up next week detailing my product recommendations for acne/oily skin so stay tuned for that one! If you missed my previous blog post, you can find it here!

With love,

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