Meet me Mondays with Kimberlie – @i_shall_shop

Hello everyone!

Can’t believe it’s February already – welcome to the first Meet me Mondays of 2021! Super excited to get this ball rolling again. Today we’ve got the lovely Kimberlie of @i_shall_shop if you know Kimberlie, you know she’s a keen bargain hunter. I love watching her stories to see what she’s found, she always knows where the best sales are! Keep reading to find out more about her!

Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Kimberlie and I’m 38 years old (soon to be 39!) and live in
the Hunter Valley, NSW.  My husband and I moved around a little in the
glory days and LOVED living in Brissy and Port Macquarie, though settled
to closer to home to have a family. I work in the Publications sector,
and have worked from home for nearly a decade. As you already know, I
love shopping and all things beauty, and I’ve recently gotten back into
the gym and have started crafting with polymer clay.

What inspired you to start your page? 

Well, pretty much my husband and friends got sick of me telling them about shopping, skincare and makeup. I’d also just had my first baby, Ellie, and was trying to
adjust to being a Mum. Instagram was a quick and easy way to share information and connect with others.

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

Hmmm, honestly I’m happy with life as it is now! I’d love to continue to grow my store and see where that goes. I also hope I’m still on Instagram – I love the space and
have made lots of great friends and can’t imagine not doing it.

Oh, and a trip to Hawaii would be good, though I’m not getting my hopes up for
that one!

Are you watching or reading any good TV shows or books lately? 

I haven’t read much lately, but I do love the Adrian Mole series – they are hilarious! I’m a creature of habit and usually rewatch the same TV shows (Frasier, Friends and Sex and the City), but have made it my mission this year to try watch some new things. So far I have watched and enjoyed Zoey’s Extraordinary Play List and Emily in Paris. Younger is also fantastic!

What is one of your top makeup hacks?

Not so much of a hack, but don’t be afraid to mix products. I love mixing foundations to get my perfect shade and finish.

What inspired you to start your business? If you could choose three of
your favourite things from the store, what would they be?

The shop was a pretty natural progression – I love shopping and people tend to like what I buy. I was also sick of seeing the same handbags and accessories on everyone. So, I decided to stock unique products that are great quality, and more often than not, I source from small Aussie businesses. I spend hours on Insta and the web looking for new products,
and it’s so satisfying when you find a good one.

If I had to choose three products, they’d be the Elms and King BoweryBag in Tan Pebble (I can never keep this in stock!), the Deer Ruby Bee necklace and earrings, and the Peggy Sue Bath & Body Oil.

What does your daily skincare routine look like? 

It’s pretty simple and I take the less is more approach.

Cleanser (usually just with water)
Vitamin C Serum
Eye cream
SPF (every day of the year, rain, hail or shine!)

PM is sightly more complicated. I’m not a fan of layering a heap of
products- instead I prefer to alternate the nights that I use them.
Oil cleanse
Cream cleanser
Serum (either a retinol or something else)
Face oil (if not using a retinol)
Eye cream

I use a mask a couple of nights per week. And if I’ve had a particularly crap night’s sleep, I use collagen under eye patches in the morning before I do my makeup.

Do you have any bargain hunting tips for us?

If you don’t need the product straight away, look around and compare prices. Also think about what sales could be coming up that you could take advantage of. If you can buy in advance, do it. One of my favourite things to do is stocking up on kids clothes and shoes during the end of season sales. I also love to get presents throughout the year when I see them on sale and put them in a ‘present box’- this is great for kids and adults.

What’s the most rewarding thing about being a mother? 

Honestly, the most rewarding thing is when your child is kind to someone else. You spend so much time and effort teaching them manners and how to be a good friend, it’s incredibly rewarding when you see it in action. Definitely a feel good moment.

Where can we find you on social media?
You can find me on Insta and FB

Catch you again next week for a new blog post!

With love,

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