Meet me Mondays with Kammy – @lipglossnlashes82


Happy November and welcome back to another monthly interview! Today I’ll be interviewing the lovely Kammy (@lipglossnlashes82) who I have been following for a while now, and she is just the loveliest person! Keep reading to find out more about her!

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Kammy, I’m 37 years old, married and mother of two kids. I live in Ontario, Canada. I’m a homemaker with a passion for makeup, reading, working out and traveling! Dream jobs would be working at Sephora or a librarian! 

When and why did you start your IG/blog?

I started my blog in 2017. I’ve always loved everything to do with makeup and beauty and I love talking about it with anyone who will listen. Growing up I wanted to be a writer so I thought it would be a great idea to combine the two and start a makeup blog. I was following several blogs and makeup pages and wanted to join in and be able to discuss my love for beauty with others who are just as passionate about it. 

What products are you currently loving?

5 products I’m currently loving are:
1) Essence False Lash Effect Mascara (green tube)
2) Maybelline colour Sensational Shaping Lip Liners
3) Lise Watier Age Control Supreme Filler Concealer
4) Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter
5) IS Clinical Lip Duo

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

In 5 years…that’s a really hard one! I’m hoping at that time to be still doing my blog, consistently and successfully. I’m not one for follower count but I would love to reach more people, be somewhat of a beauty influencer. I also hope by then I’ll have put my self out there a little more and start doing more stories, maybe some makeup tutorials. I wish I could give a better answer but that’s a pretty difficult question! 

What do you love most about the beauty community? 

What I love most about the beauty community is the unique bonds you form with people. Most of us have never met in person but we have so much in common, so much to discuss and offer each other. I hear of ig drama but I’ve never come across anything but encouragement and support. There is so much passion and enthusiasm in the beauty community because we’re all here for the same thing – the love of beauty and makeup!

Are there any trends that you never got on board with? 

Trends I never got on board with, hmmm, one would be baking. I tried it and it absolutely didn’t work for me. Made me look as dry as the Sahara desert. Wasn’t a good look. Metallic Lips were also something I couldn’t get on board with. 

What’s your HG skincare product? 

HG skincare product is the IS Clinical Active Serum. I had some issues with cystic acne a couple years ago and this product changed my skin texture, cleared up my blemishes and eventually rid my skin of scars. It’s such a powerhouse product! 

Is there any hyped beauty product that didn’t work out for you?

Hyped up Products – The MAC x Patrick Starr powder did not work for me. Made my under eyes look really dry. The Pixi Glow Tonic was also another product that didn’t work out too well for me. It was too harsh for me to use everyday personally. My skin didn’t react well to it. 

Are you eyeing any Christmas gift sets at the moment?

I’m not a huge Christmas gift set person usually but there are a couple I’m looking at. The Laneige sleeping lip mask set is a fav. I bought it last year too. I have my eye on the Tatcha Treasures for Poreless Skin and the ABH Best Brows Ever kit. 

Where can we find your socials?

Socials – my ig handle is @lipglossnlashes82 and my blog can be found at

That’s all for this week! Please do check out Kammy’s page and blog when you have the chance, I guarantee you’ll learn something new.

See you back here next week, have a great week!

With love,

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