Meet me Mondays with Hiuy – @beautybyhiuy

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve done an interview because I’ve been so busy with other commitments, but they’re back! Today I’ll be interviewing Hiu Gwan (Hiuy) from @beautybyhiuy I’ve been following her for probably 1-2 years now, not too sure but it hasn’t been that long. She always posts helpful reviews and stuff that I’m interested in such as Korean beauty. To find out more about her, just keep reading!

Tell us about yourself

My full name is Hiu Gwan (Hugh Gwun) but most people call me Hiuy (Huey). I’m 25 from Sydney, Australia. I have a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and work in a public hospital within NSW. My hobbies are obviously makeup/skincare, I love playing basketball and singing ! I’d put gym here but my boyfriend would probably call me out for lying haha!!

So I know you’re big on skincare, what are your top three tips

  • HYDRATE!!! – No matter what skin type you are. Get on that green tea serum !

What’s your go-to makeup product, something that’s a must have?

Urban decay all nighter setting spray.

I used to think it was too expensive and stopped using it, but it fixes all texture and problems. Especially after doing a full face that you’re not quite happy with! A spray with this does the trick!!

What are you obsessed with at the moment?

Vitamin C and glycolic acid !!

Do you remember your very first beauty product?

Oh yes !!

Lancome hydrazen moisturiser. This was after I came off Roaccutane and I was scared to use drugstore products. The dermatologist had me on QV cream during it and I just found it so thick. This was also back in the day when we all thought more creamy products made us more oily. So I wanted something that was light weight but did the job !

Are you a books person or a movie person?

Wow I would say 50/50. In saying that, if there is a movie out and I haven’t read the book version, I’d still watch the movie first (because it’s quicker haha).

What’s the worst skincare advice you’ve been given?

Give up toner. LOL.

This was quite recent actually and I’m still in shock.

As we head into winter, I’d love to know what your number one winter hack would be!

I’m really into facial mists at the moment.

It’s quite new to my routine, but I would say that.

Just for fun, what’s your favourite food?

Oh my – fried chicken !!

And lastly, where can we find you on social media?

@beautybyhiuy on Instagram, and @hiusan on youtube!

Thanks for reading this weeks post, I hope you enjoyed learning more about Hiu and check out my other interviews here if you’d like to learn more about others in the beauty community!

A new post is up next week as usual!

With love,

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