Meet me Mondays with Marisa – @marisarobinsonbeauty

Hello everyone!

It seems like it has been forever since I’ve done a Meet me Mondays! It’s only been a month, but it’s been such a long month – I can’t believe it’s July already! I wasn’t planning to do an interview for this month because I was pretty backed up with uni assignments, but I came across someone who I thought would be great to interview! It’s the lovely Marisa of @marisarobinsonbeauty I have been following her for a few years now and she just seems like a lovely, down to earth soul! Keep reading to find out more about her 🙂

Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Marisa and I am 35 years old and live in Wollongong, NSW. My hobbies include reviewing the latest cruelty free beauty products, pilates, travelling, enjoying live music and spending time with my family and friends.

When you’re not blogging, I see that you’re a digital marketer – can you tell us what that’s like and how you got into that field?
From a young age I have had a strong interest and curious mind for the online world. I remember in primary school when we first got Mac computers, I wanted to be on it all the time to the point where students and even teachers would come and ask me how to use it.
When I was in my mid 20’s I started an online jewellery business, sourcing unique pieces from independent designers around the world and selling them on my website. It was a journey short lived (which I kick myself for now because if I had continued on it would have been amazing today) but one I loved and that never felt like work. I launched this and worked on it in my free time outside of my 9-5 but every day at work I wished I could be working on it. 
I have worked in the marketing departments of major fashion, homegoods and european bathroomware and these positions not only taught me more about the online space but they grounded me in the foundations of running a business, with many lessons that I still utilise to this day.

Five years ago I stepped away from the comfort and security of my full time job and went freelance. Instantly I knew I was where I was meant to be but it hasn’t come without its challenges, ebbs and flows. Being a digital marketing consultant and helping people enhance and grow their businesses is what truly lights my soul on fire. Whether it is sharing the knowledge so they can put it into practice or taking on some of the work and bringing their vision to life, it is extremely rewarding and I love each and every opportunity I have received. It sounds like a cliche but no two days are the same. One day I could be creating a website and the next I might be putting together their social media strategy or designing an email marketing campaign.

What’s your go-to skincare product for winter?
My skin definitely craves hydration in Winter. I am obsessed with the Nuggett and Charlie Nighty Night Créme. It is a balm like serum that melts into your skin and works its magic while you sleep. It deeply hydrates and nourishes my skin but it also contains amazing anti-aging ingredients which keeps my skin looking vibrant and youthful.
I loathe chapped lips so I also need a hydrating lip balm all year around. My current fave is the Lanostick ‘The Original’ balm from Lanolips.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
Phoenix, Arizona visiting my best friend and her new baby! It is also summer there at the moment so I would be enjoying the warmer weather and a cheeky trip to Palms Springs or Sedona. Unfort it doesn’t look like international travel will be on the cards for a while so I will have to stick to FaceTime and DMs!

Do you have any embarrassing makeup moments that you can share with us?
No super embarrassing moments come to mind but if I look at any photo from before 4 years ago I can see some pretty embarrassing makeup looks and bad brows lol. 

Are you currently reading or binge watching anything?
I just finished watching Space Force (Netflix) with Steve Carell which I really enjoyed – I love him so I guess it is no surprise that I binge watch The Office constantly. Most of the time I watch YouTube. I try to steer clear of the drama channels but always watch Nicole Guerrero who is my fave beauty YouTuber and Desi Perkins.
I also enjoy listening to the Office Ladies podcast where Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey breakdown each episode of The Office and share behind the scenes stories. Other podcasts I listen to religiously are Offline with Alison Rice and She’s On The Money – such inspiring and resourceful listens!
I’m not currently reading anything but the last book I finished in two days was My Friend Anna: The true story of the fake heiress of New York City – I couldn’t put it down!

Who or what inspires you?
– My mum for being such a strong woman – a trait I have definitely inherited.

– Anyone following their dreams and carving out their own path.

What’s on your current wish list?
– A birth chart reading with astrologist Daisy Clementine Douglas
– A piece of art for my bedroom from Australian artist Tahnee Kelland

– A holiday to the Northern Territory

What are you looking forward to this year?
Exploring more of Australia and hopefully heading to the Northern Territory, expanding and growing my business and spending time with those I love. If isolation has taught me anything is to treasure and value every moment you get to spend with your loved ones in person!

Where can we find you on social media?

You can find me on Instagram at @marisarobinsonbeauty 

My blog

For digital marketing you can find me at

And that wraps up another Meet me Mondays! I hope you enjoyed learning more about Marisa, don’t forget to check out her blog and IG for a wealth of knowledge and I’ll have a review waiting for you when you come back next Tuesday! Have a great week everyone and stay safe!

With love,

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