Meet me Mondays with Sami – @maniwithsami

Hello everyone!

Welcome to another Meet me Mondays, today I’m with Sami of @maniwithsami, Sami is all about nails, check out her page for more! I haven’t known her for long, but she is so lovely every time we interact! Keep reading to find out more!

Tell us a bit about yourself

Hi, I’m Sam from Sydney! I love doing my nails, watching shows and movies, reading, and eating (after taking photos of my food)!

How did you get into your nail hobby?

I used to do my nails with regular polish and then started getting them done at a salon. But it started to make no sense to me to be paying so much (especially as I was unemployed at the time) when I only ever asked for one colour, so when my friend told me about Opallac, I waited for a sale and started my collection (and my account!) from there! I didn’t realise it would be as fun as it is, and I’ve made so many lovely friends through this hobby which has been so nice!

What are you looking forward to this year?
All the new movies and content coming out on all the streaming services. Very keen for Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and also Black Widow!!

Might also plan a trip to somewhere this year, depending on how restrictions go… Fingers crossed!

Do you have a favourite/go-to nail shade? 

I LOVE a pinky nude shade! Which is so funny to me because I used to think my skin only suited dark colours but here we are!

Would you be able to share any nail hacks or tips for us?

Peel off base coat is super helpful for removal, just gotta get the application right. Use thin coats and take your time, and if you’re new to gel polish, keep practicing and it’ll get easier!

Are you currently watching or reading any good TV shows/books?

I’m watching B99, Once Upon a Time, Agents of Shield and WandaVision, and I just wanna give a shout out to Schitt’s Creek which is fantastic show and I could watch for days and still laugh. 

I’m also re-reading Harry Potter, but I’m always doing that haha. 

If you were stuck on a deserted island, what are three things you’d bring with you?

My airfryer!! And probably my hair straightener and some lip balm hahah. 

What is the ideal weekend like for you?

It would defs involve some sun and brunch with friends, potentially a little road trip at least an hour and a half away, and a little exploring and photography. 

Do you have any favourite Instagram accounts?

I LOVE @helunails, and @tashh.nails. I also love content by @taramilktea and @nutellasum, and check out @izzyfooddiaries for food recs!

Where can we find you on your socials?

Just hit me up on @maniwithsami 🙂 Would love to meet more people so please say hi!

And that’s the end of that, please do check out Sami’s page for all things nail related!

See you back here next week with a new review!

With love,

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