My Favourite Beauty Youtubers


Something a little different today, I wanted to share some of my favourite beauty Youtubers with you all! I don’t know about you, but I can get pretty picky with beauty Youtubers haha, I like people that are genuine, don’t involve themselves in drama and produce high quality content. Some of these channels focus solely on makeup, some on skincare and others everything in between!

Aylin Melisa – 740k

I’ve been subscribed to Aylin for a few years now, she’s based in Germany and she just does makeup videos. I really like her videos because there is no talking, she gets straight to the point, and simply because I really like her makeup looks. She’s not an MUA, just a girl who is sharing her passion for makeup. She has such nice skin and really nice eyebrows as well! Definitely check her out if you prefer makeup tutorials to just be about the tutorial, with minimal to no dialogue!

Beauty Within – 2.18m

I have been subscribed for so many years, I remember when this was soley run by Mia under a different name. It now features Rowena and Felicia, who talk all about skincare and health/wellbeing. What I like about the channel is how in depth they go in explaining some skincare related things, as well as explaining it in an easy to understand way. There’s so much knowledge on their channel, which is great for beginners, as well as people that want to learn more about skincare. They also seem like very down to earth people. Would recommend for all skincare junkies to check out!

Chloe Morello – 2.7m

We all know about Chloe, she’s one of my favourite Aussie Youtubers. I’ve always found her so genuine and just love her videos because she seems like she has a nice personality – and not to mention, we used to live in the same city, before she moved to the US. I love her skin and she mentions quite often that she would get facials every now and then. She covers a lot of different content IMO and it’s pretty refreshing to see – because I get sick of so many people creating the same kinds of videos over and over again. I like watching her makeup tutorials, she seriously has such a nice canvas to work on. I also like her hacks/tips videos because they’re very helpful. I feel like most people enjoy watching Chloe’s videos, I don’t know many people that dislike her or anything like that.

Hindash – 1.08m

I love Hindash’s style of videos, he does a voiceover on his tutorials and he is so good at makeup. He’s based in Dubai and features a range of face shapes, skin tones and skin types which is always good! His videos are easy to follow along as well, and most of the time he features his dog at the beginning of the video! He is so talented, please check out his channel when you’re free!

Hyram – 1.68m

I found Hyram’s channel sometime last year and he is very informative about skincare. I feel like his channel has really grown in the past 6 months or so. When I first came across his channel, he only had about 500k subs, and now he has over a million. What I like about his videos is that there’s no BS, he discusses a range of products from drugstore to high end, western to Asian, and I find that I learn so much from his videos. I really recommend his channel if you’re already knowledged in skincare, but want to learn more. I only say this because if you’re a beginner in skincare, you might find all the videos to be overwhelming because there’s so much information to take in – but he does have a few ‘how to’ videos which I think are good for beginners to check out and learn one step at a time 🙂

James Welsh – 735k

I found James through Hyram’s channel and I love his approach to skincare. He’s very knowledgable and I enjoy his Instagram vs. Reality series where he looks at influencers facetune fails and overall editing mishaps. He reviews high end skincare, Korean skincare and even drugstore skincare, so he does cover a lot of bases in skincare.

Robert Welsh – 383k

I love Robert, he seems to have such a fun personality and he is a professional MUA. He shares different makeup looks, tips and tricks when it comes to applying makeup that works best for your face and he also does ghost story GRWM videos (personally I haven’t seen). My favourite segment is him reacting to Instagram makeup tutorials and his product reviews!

Sacheu – 680k

Sarah is more of an everyday Youtuber, I wouldn’t say she’s solely beauty, but she does dabble in skincare and makeup every now and then. She honestly does a bit of everything. She’s really knowledgable in skincare and really works to perfect her routine. She also does hauls and showcases products from certain brands like Fenty. She seems like a really down to earth person, she’s not involved in any drama and I think she’s really enjoyable to watch 🙂

So these are basically my favourite beauty youtubers, I would love to know if you also watch them, or if you have any favourite youtubers to share!

With love,

*Subscriber count may be inaccurate at time of blog post upload

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