Meet me Mondays with Kat – @thebeautyroast

Hello everyone!

We’re half way through the year already, I can’t believe it. Hope you’re all continuing to stay safe and enjoy the time with your loved ones. The first Monday of every month means a new interview! Today I am interviewing Kat of @thebeautyroast, I’ve been following her for a few months now I think. She always shares memes and of course beauty related posts on her stories. Keep reading to find out more about her!

Tell us a bit about yourself

Hi, im Kat! (although for all intents and purposes i guess im known as The Beauty Roast) im 26 from Sydney, Australia and am a huge beauty nerd, i could talk face masks and foundations all day long.  I love to cook aswell, it definitely comes in as a strong second passion and since going vegetarian its been an even more interesting challenge. 

Favourite beauty trend at the moment?

At the risk of sounding so basic i really loved the whole ‘euphoria’ makeup trend where people stuck little jewels all over their eyes, i havent yet tried it myself but when i finally have an occasion i seriously cant wait to experiment with it.

OH and how can i forget K-Beauty, im so thankful for the world of Korean skincare (and sheet masks 🙌🏻) it has had such an impact on my everyday skincare routine – i feel maybe it’s already had its “trending” moment and im just late to the party but nontheless im obsessed. 

Do you have any winter skincare tips?
Your whole body needs some extra TLC as the weather gets colder, don’t forget to exfoliate & moisturiser yourself from head to TOE! 

Also dont be afraid to try new facial oils, i find myself alternating oils between hotter to colder months in order to help compensate for my skin becoming drier – at the moment the Rosehip Oil by Good Molecules has been my winter hero! 

What is one of your holy grail makeup products?
When in doubt, i reach for Mac. Mac Mineralize Skinfinish in ‘Global Glow’ has been my most used bronzer/highlight – its the perfect way to add a suble bit of bronze to the cheeks and a delicious light glow to the skin, i cant recommend it enough! 

I also couldnt live without the Luma illuminating primer, my skin is crazy oily and this is the FIRST glow-enhancing product that doesnt leave me looking like a freshly dressed salad – i dont know how it works its magic but i never want to imagine my life without it. 

Where do you see yourself in five years?
I always get stumped by this question, hopefully ill be an established writer – i just graduated from a journalism degree and i really love to write (thats actually the reason i started @thebeautyroast) Id also love to live somewhere else in the world, i have my eyes set on America for the moment but honestly that could change, im pretty open to all possibilities. Oh and if i havent mastered a poached egg by then im going to be so mad at myself. 

What’s a beauty trend you never got on board with?
Heavily cutting/defining your brows with concealer – im a lover of soft, natural, fluffy brows so i just find the whole ‘carving’ craze to be very intense. I am glad to see there is a slow shift away from popularised ‘insta glam’ happening at the moment though, it makes me so happy seeing people celebrating acne scars and messy brows and uneven skintones! 

Which is better, books or movies/TV shows? 
If were talking Twilight, then im strong advocate for both, i loved Edward from the books just as much as i loved Robert Pattinson’s rendition of him! I think theres value in both movies and books, it’s important to balance them both – reminds me that i need to get cracking on the book i just started (Wurthering Heights)! 

Three things you could never get sick of?
1) cooking for others, the more people i get to cook for, the happier it makes me!

2) a bath – bowl of pasta (yes i eat in the bath), hot tea, netflix on my laptop, candles & lush bath bomb. Its even relaxing just to imagine it.  

3) nude lipstick.  

What are you looking forward to this year?
This year has truly been unnerving, at the moment im looking forward to some normalcy returning to our lives, im looking forward to seeing my fellow aussies get back on their feet and hopefully then the world working together to heal after this pandemic has been contained. For myself, Im looking forward to finding some new work opportunities . 

Where can we find you on social media?
Always instagram – @thebeautyroast I also do occasionally dabble in the world on twitter & tiktok (same handle) when im feeling wild!  

Please do check out Kat’s IG, I guarantee you’ll enjoy her posts! That’s it from me this week, see you next week for a new review!

With love,

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