Meet me Mondays with Laura – @rolly.mag

Hello everyone and welcome back to another interview!

Last Monday was hectic for me so I couldn’t put the interview up then, nevertheless, it’s up now and I hope you’re all ready for this month/the last interview for 2019…with Laura of @rolly.mag

I only discovered Laura a few months ago but she has proved to be a very lovely person within this beauty community. Keep reading to find out more about her!

Tell us about yourself

Hi everyone, my name is Laura, I am 19 years old and live in Melbourne. 

For the longest time, I never had a “hobby” but since starting my blog, it’s definitely become my hobby. That, as well as spending time with my puppy, Lola. Dog mum life is the best life! 

What’s the meaning behind your username?

Rolly is my childhood nickname and I use it as a pseudonym. And then “Mag” is short for “magazine” because growing up, magazines like Dolly, Cosmo and Cleo were my bible! Sadly, they don’t exist anymore… I hope my blog can provide entertainment and comfort to people in the same way that reading magazines did for me. 

What’s the most exciting thing to have happened to you this year?

This has been such a good year for me. It’s my first year out of high school and in the “real world” and I think that, in itself, has been the most exciting thing. I also was lucky enough to be invited to the BYS Halloween party and was honestly pinching myself. Such a cool event, with lots of incredible beauty influencers. I felt very lucky to be there. 

What’s your best kept beauty secret? 

Not so much a secret… but always remember to put sunscreen above your top lip. It’s a very “easy to miss” place, but after having a family friend experience a sun-related cancer scare in that area, I always take extra care when applying my SPF. 

Who do you look up to?

I love the YouTuber Allie Glines.

In a recent video she shared how she feels most happy when she is creating beauty content from the comfort of her own home. She had a big realisation about what success and happiness means to her. It was so refreshing to see success redefined in that way. It doesn’t have to be fancy cars and designer things, it can be working in a job you love. 

What’s the best thing about the beauty community? 

Oh my gosh, I absolutely loooooove the Aussie beauty community. I really was not expecting to gain such genuine friends from this blogging experience- but it’s my favourite part, for sure. Everyone is so supportive and truly believes in “collaboration over competition”. Plus, having people who get excited over the Priceline sales is pretty cool too haha. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I wish I knew!

My future is up in the air at the moment as I wait to see if I will start uni next year…. if I do start uni (studying speech pathology) and I enjoy it, in 5 years I will be a new graduate! But no matter what I’m doing career wise, I hope to have a holiday to New York on the cards and my second ear piercings done! 

What’s one embarrassing beauty moment you’re willing to share with us? 

So. Many.

Cakey foundation, panda eyes, fake tan neck and pale face… classic! 

Any TV shows, books or movies you’re loving at the moment? 


Carry on: Rainbow Rowell

Love her wild: Atticus

I’m not a big TV person, but I do occasionally watch and love Queer Eye. 

Same for movies, I only like to watch them at the cinema. I get too distracted at home ha! 

Where can we find you on social media?

@rolly.mag – follow me if you like a bargain and need encouragement to spend your money in beauty lol #sorrynotsorry!

But honestly, I really value my followers and often do giveaways as a way to say “thank you”, I’d love to have you along for the ride. 

That’s it for this week, hope you enjoyed learning more about Laura. A new post will be up next week and Meet me Mondays will be back next year as well!

Have a lovely December!

With love,

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