Where Have I Been?

Hi everyone,

I took a little break from blogging and posting due to personal reasons last month and as a result I haven’t had the time to put together a new interview for this month either.

My most recent blog post (you can read about it here) was posted a little earlier than scheduled because of unforeseen circumstances and I had to go overseas for a short period of time, which is why there was no post on the 28th and I don’t have a proper blog post up today.

I’m sure not many people really noticed my departure but I thought I’d just give a little heads up. I strive for consistency and honesty so I just wanted to explain myself here.

There’ll be a new interview up next month and blogging should resume as normal for the rest of the month. Thank you all for your patience (on my IG too), I hope to create more content for the new year!

With love,

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