Review: Srsly Honey Face Mask*

Hi everyone!

Today I’ll be reviewing the Srsly Honey Face Mask* which retails for $39.95, and is available on their website here. Sign up to receive their emails and get 10% off!


When I received the package, I was greeted with a little card with a gold bow on it, which I thought was super cute and had a bit of a personalised touch to it. I love the approach of Srsly Honey, because the brand sounds very…personalised, it’s like a real person is talking to me. The personification of the brand itself, is what really draws me.



I love when brands have a ‘story’ on their website entailing how they came about their product or company overall. I had a quick peep at Srsly Honey’s story  and after reading it, I felt a little more connected to the brand…it’s like I know them as a person – which sounds pretty silly, but I just can’t explain it. Anyways, let’s get into the review!



Srsly Honey, consider me your skintervention. The Original Glow is here to control those breakouts and breathe life into your tired looking complexion.

For 4000 years, honey has been regarded as nature’s golden elixir; offering a range of internal and external health benefits. Used both orally and topically, honey is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants and flavanoids, and serves as a potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. The molecular enzymes present in honey enables it to effortlessly seep into the skin and nourish from deep within. In addition to its hydrating and skin brightening properties, honey is hypothesised to normalise excess sebum production, tighten skin pores, soothe redness, plump skin, combat acne skin and skin scarring, and improve elasticity for a more youthful appearance. Option for organic raw honey is free from harmful preservatives and chemicals.



In the evening, apply me in a thin layer to clean, makeup-free skin, avoiding the eye area. Let me chill for 5-10 minutes. Get me wet and scrub me off. Moisturise your face until it’s as smooth as your Tinder date’s pickup line.

Patch test before use and use twice a week.



Australian Raw Organic Honey, Bentonite Clay, Rose water, Coconut Oil, Cinnamon.


Raw Organic Honey:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties help soothe redness and uneven skin tones
  • Rich in vitamins and antioxidants to give you the ultimate glow
  • Anti bacterial properties that protect your skin from breakouts
  • Naturally absorbs excess oil so you’re just the right amount of dewy
  • Acts as a moisturizer and keeps your skin hydrated
  • Possesses powerful enzymes that your pores will love
  • Helps to decrease the appearance of scars over time


Coconut Oil:

  • Antibacterial and antifungal, a weapon against harmful toxins
  • Natural fatty acids soften and soothe the complexion
  • Repairs skin and retains its moisture
  • Contains anti-aging properties to support a youthful glow
  • Rich in many proteins contributing to cellular health and tissue repair


Bentonite Clay:

  • Draws toxins out of the skin like a magnet, removing dirt and excess oil
  • Unclogs and shrinks blocked pores
  • Helps to control the overproduction of sebum which causes oily skin and breakouts
  • Pulls hydrogen from cells to contribute to the appearance of a more even skin tone
  • Packed with silica to make your skin super soft
  • Removes dead skin cells for a deeper nourishment of the skin
  • Reduces inflammation, redness and the appearance of scars


Rose Water:

  • Deeply soothing to sensitive and inflamed skin
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Removes excess oil, dirt and tones the skin



  • Anti-microbial properties tackle blemishes from the get go
  • Plumps and enhances the complexion
  • Alleviates fine lines and enriches the skin with its ability to draw oxygen and blood to the outer surface
  • A natural exfoliant 



First Impressions:

I love the packaging, including the card that came with it. The jar is a small and black one with minimal features. I like that it shows the ingredients on the other side of the jar. Overall, the packaging was pretty simplistic, but it’s very effective because it’s not crowded with words and pictures.

I like the smell of the mask, it smells like honey (duh!), I find it to be quite soothing.

The texture of the mask is sticky because of the honey, and you can see the little bits of cinnamon.

I applied it with my hands for the first time, because I wasn’t sure if it’d work effectively if applied with a brush. The mask literally seeps into your skin, it feels sooo nice. It didn’t feel tight or anything because there’s not a lot of clay present.

I found that it’s a bit hard to wash off, so I recommend putting this mask on before you enter the shower and wash it off then, so it’s easier to clean up.

The second time I tried the mask, I used a cloth to remove it, but that just made the cloth pretty sticky. So I guess it’s back to square one – in the shower, or over the sink.

Immediately after use, I found my skin to be more glowy and moisturised.

**I tried it again but with a brush and it works fine! If you’re a bit conscious about bacteria spreading, then use a brush. The brush I used was a flat foundation brush and it was easy to apply the mask on my face + it washed off nicely, leaving no residue.
What I like:

  • Packaging

Like I said above, the packaging is simplistic but it’s effective in promoting the brand + product, without overloading on information or pictures.

  • Ingredients

I like the use of natural ingredients, although this means that the product has a shorter shelf life. Srsly Honey recommends a shelf life of 2 months, and as there aren’t active preservatives, ensure the product is kept in a cool, dark area or store in the fridge to prolong shelf life.

  • Size

It’s a 120ml jar, and would actually last quite some time. You get about 8~ uses per month, that’s about $2.5 per use (2x use per week x 4 weeks = 8 uses per month. 2 months use = 16 uses, $40/16 = $2.5 per use).

  • Refreshing

Applying it to your face after it’s been refrigerated leaves your skin feeling really refreshed!

  • After effect

After using the mask my skin looked a bit more radiant and felt very soft and moisturised.



What I don’t like:

  • Bit hard to clean off

As I detailed above, I had a bit of difficulty removing the mask. It’s not as easy to wash off as other masks because of the sticky properties. If you find that there are still some bits of mask left over on your face, use some toner after washing.

I really like the philosophy of the brand, and it’s approach with consumers. As for the product, it’s definitely the most natural skincare product I’ve used, which is really intriguing! This mask has great ingredients, allowing you to achieve the many benefits provided by them.

I recommend this mask to all skin types, especially those who have issues with acne. Make sure to patch test before use as always!



If you are interested in trying this before fully committing, they also sell a mini version for $22! Also if you want to know more about this mask, head to their FAQ here, which is full of useful information about the Honey Mask! If you have any other questions, feel free to comment them below and I’ll get back to you when I can!


That’s all I have for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading about the Srsly Honey Face Mask. A new post will be up next week as always!


With love,



*This product was gifted in exchange for a review. All opinions expressed are 100% honest and my own. I am not being paid in any way to post about these.

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