Meet me Mondays with Paige – @skincarexpaige

Hello my friends!

Happy Monday and welcome to another Meet me Mondays – this will be the second last one for the year. Can you believe how fast time has flown! Today I am here with Paige of @skincarexpaige, I only came across Paige’s account sometime this year and she has great content! If you’re into skincare, definitely give her a sus! Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Paige and I am 23 years old and I live a couple of hours north of Sydney. I am a full time student and I will be graduating at the end of this year with my Bachelor of Speech Pathology! I also have a part time job in pharmacy, which I have been in for about 8 years. In my down time I love spending time with my fiancé and our fur babies! 

Why did you start your Instagram account?

After dealing with some skin conditions/problems, I became obsessed with learning about skincare and finding what works for my skin concerns! Not many of my friends are really interested in skincare, so I didn’t really have anyone to share my passion with. So, I decided to create an account to share with my followers! 

What’s one skincare product you’re loving at the moment?

This is a hard to choose one product! But I would have to say Laneige’s Cream Skin Toner & Moisturiser

Are there any particular brands that are a dream collab for you?

I have been extremely lucky and I am so grateful that I have been able to collaborate with some amazing brands. I would love to work with Paula’s Choice though! 

What’s currently on your wish list?

Hmm, one makeup product that’s on my wishlist is Ilia’s Super Serum Skin Tint.

A skincare product that I really want to try is Dr. Ceuracle Vegan Kombucha Tea Essence

What has been the highlight of your year?

Despite all of the lockdowns and the horrible consequences of covid, I have been realy lucky to have been offered a job for next year (as a speech pathologist) that I really wanted! Our family also grew another member recently. Her name is Hazel and she’s an adorable Australian Bulldog.

Is there anything you’ve been watching/reading/listening to lately?

I’m not much of a reader actually! I love listening to podcasts and watching TV shows. I recently finished watching Squid Game and really enjoyed it! 

What are some of your holy grail beauty products?

  1. The Daily Co At-Home Microdermabrasion tool
  2. Medik8 Crystal Retinal
  3. Ultra Violette Lean Screen 
  4. Kate Somerville Delikate Recovery Cream 

Do you have any photography tips for people who are looking to start up a beauty Instagram account?

I’m a true believer that you do not need to go out and spend a crazy amount on props/backdrops/cameras to get amazing quality pictures! Start off my going and getting some cardboard to use as a backdrop and utilise the natural sunlight outside to get bright, crisp shots! I also use an app called ‘Preview: Planner for Instagram’ to plan out my feed to make it look cohesive!

Where can we find you on social media? 

My Instagram account is @skincarexpaige 

I would love for you to visit my account and introduce yourself! 

And that brings us to the end of another Meet me Mondays! I hope you all enjoyed learning a bit more about Paige and don’t forget to check out her account!

See you back here next week for a new blog post!

With love

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