Meet me Mondays with Phoebe – @phoeberosemua

Hello everyone!

I’ve finally got the first Meet me Mondays up for 2022. It’s been a ride, but so happy to announce that this series is back!

Today we are with Phoebe of @phoeberosemua, she resides in New Zealand with her family and shares all her favourite beauty products and tips over on her IG. Keep reading to find out more about Phoebe!

Tell us a bit about yourself

My names Phoebe I’m 21 Years old, I’m a Mum of 1 (soon to be two) and I live in New Zealand. I am originally from England, and before having my daughter, I was working in a pharmacy managing a makeup counter. 

How did you get into content creating on Instagram? 

I started off making YouTube videos back in 2012, I made them on and off until I completely stopped in October 2017. I decided to start Instagram up in May 2021 as I’m now a stay at home mum and have a wee bit more time of my hands to get back into it, I find it more manageable than YouTube. 

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

I hope to be living back in England with my partner and have 3 children! Doing Instagram full time, maybe studying something who knows! 

If you were stuck on an island for 24 hours, what 3 things would you bring with you?

Ahh this is tricky! 

Okay I’m gonna say people don’t count as things so. 

  1. My phone 
  2. Water 
  3. Vegetarian Lasagna 😂

Do you have any holy grail skincare products?


  • Ultra Violette Supreme Screen (absolute fav spf ever) 
  • Jeuneora Go Nightly Night Cream (this is a very new one) 
  • Summer Fridays Jet Lag ( I love how versatile it is, since becoming a mum I often get to the end of the night and can’t be bothered with a full routine so I love applying this on those nights) 

What about holy grail makeup products? 

  • Laura Mercier Translucent Powder 
  • Mac Honey love lipstick 
  • Elizabeth Arden Grand Entrance Mascara

Besides spending time on Instagram, what are some other hobbies or things do you like to do?

I spend most of my time looking after my babies, I do like to read and watch movies with my partner, and swimming at the beach in the summer. 

What are 3 things on your bucket list? 

I’d love to go sky diving, visit Australia and America, and I can’t think of a third 🤔

Where can we find you on social media? 

My Instagram is @phoeberosemua 😊

I hope you enjoyed learning more about Phoebe, don’t forget to check out her page as well!

Have a great week!

With love,

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