My Monthly Wrap – The Weeknd, Suits and Grape Soju

Hi my friends!

Hope you’ve been well! I was thinking one day about what other blog posts I could write about – sometimes you get writer’s block and well, I lack inspiration. I thought of introducing a new segment and here it is! The title is a work in progress, though I might just keep it in the end haha.

So I introduce to you, My Monthly Wrap. I talk about the things I’ve been doing in the month, what I’ve been watching and listening to, what I’ve been eating and where I’ve been going. I suppose it’s more like a little get to know me better post meets monthly newsletter, but I also just want to share things that I like – simple as that!

Without further ado, here’s my February wrap!

This month has been a pretty chill one, one of my friends had a birthday, I spent most days at work and went out some weekends.

I’ve been listening to

Dawn FM – The Weeknd

Image via Pitchfork

This album has been on repeat all month ever since it came out. I just love it so much! I think the format is really clever – essentially, if you listen to it in order, it’s like listening to a radio station. I love the sounds and beats as well, it has a really nice feel to it and there’s a lot of emotion and storytelling in the lyrics. It also has Jim Carrey doing the radio voiceover bits which actually match perfectly with the theme and tone of the album! I wouldn’t have guessed that it was him. Hard to find something that I don’t like about the album. If you were to listen to one song off the album, I’d recommend Here We Go…Again, though I like every song in the album haha.

I’ve been watching…


Image vis UPHE

I’m very late to the bandwagon, but I finally got around to watching Suits! I always knew about the show, but I didn’t peak my interest, I thought it looked a bit stale. I started to watch it based off a recommendation from a friend and I was hooked. I really enjoyed the earlier seasons, the writing and acting was really good. However, as the series progressed, I found the plots to be a bit lacking and boring. The writing just wasn’t as good as say the first 3 seasons. I continued to watch it though, because I was committed to seeing it out until the end haha. Good series, decent lines and plot, but it’s not something I’d watch again – not exactly a comfort show in my books, but worth the watch for the earlier seasons.

I’ve been eating


I love chickpeas, they are amazing and so underrated. They can be roasted, fried, eaten as is, used as a meat substitute, used to elevate any meal, HUMMUS, the list goes on. I like mashing them and using them for like bean burgers with veggies and spices. I also like eating them in a salad, either an elaborate salad with the works, or as a simple snack (they are amazing with some salt, pepper, coriander and lemon juice if you have it). Seriously the best snack and meal and so healthy too! I like to buy them canned as they’re ready to eat, but you can get the big packets of dried chickpeas which are value for money but a little more work as they need to be prepared beforehand by soaking overnight.

I’ve been drinking…

Grape Soju

Image via Kent Street Cellars

My workmate put me onto this flavour, I don’t think I’ve tried it before, but I am hooked. I like the Chum Churum brand as I think it tastes the best. This stuff is dangerous, it tastes like juice. Other brands I’ve tried tend to have more of an alcohol taste. You could drink bottles of this stuff just straight. Though I also like to mix it with lemonade or sparkling water. It just hits the spot on a hot summer day or a chill night in. Highly recommend if you’re into fruity alcohol.

I’ve been grateful for…

My friends and family

It’s been a long two years of the pandemic and I am just grateful to have my friends and family. Like most people, I wish the situation was more “normal”, as I’d love to go overseas again to see my extended family, but I’m still unsure of when that day might be. I just have to have hope and keep wishing and waiting.

I’ve learnt…

To not stress

After a visit to the doctors last month, she told me I have very high levels of stress. Since this visit to the doctor, I have been trying to manage my stress and just taking things easy. I try not to overthink or get angry or think about things that are out of my control. It’s crazy to think about how much stress can affect your life. You can break out, break out in hives or rashes, lose hair, and so much more. Message of the day – don’t stress, it’s not good for you!

And that just about sums up my month! I hope you enjoyed this kind of blog post, I know I enjoy learning more about others and what they’ve been getting up to, so hopefully you enjoyed my rendition!

What’s been some of the stand out food/drinks/TV shows/etc for you this month?

With love,

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