My Monthly Wrap – Kpop, Pieces of Her and Body Positivity

Hello my friends!

As we near the end of the month, it was time for another monthly wrap! This month went by so quickly, it was a busy one both at work and in my personal life. I’ve finished a lot of beauty products (head to my IG to see what I’ve finished). Anyways, without further ado, here’s my monthly wrap!

I’ve been listening to…


Image via Spotify

I fell down this rabbit hole of artists and songs and here we are. My most listened to artists of the month have definitely been Enhyphen and NCT 127 (though I have also been listening to NCT U and NCT Dream). Some of my favourite songs from this genre have been:

  • Ganadara by Jay Park and IU – love when Jay sings about love, it definitely gave the vibe of some of his older songs
  • ASAP by STAYC – such a fun and up beat song, what’s not to love?
  • Peaches by KAI – this song just feels like I’m in a dream, I love the instrumental it’s so calming
  • Polaroid Love by Enhyphen – I was hearing this song everywhere, but I had no idea what it was called. Then I found it and just played the song on repeat haha

I’ve been watching…

Pieces of Her

Image via IMDB

I love when I see Aussies on screen haha – plus Toni Collette is pretty iconic too. This is an American thriller, though some of it was filmed in Australia and Canada! The plot is about a daughter who learns that her mum is not really who she says she is, causing the daughter to go down a rabbit hole to discover all sorts of new things about her mother. I watched this the day it came out and binged it in a weekend. I quite liked it in general, it was a bit suspenseful (not a whole lot tbh) and had a decent story line. My only criticism is omg the protagonist is just so dumb haha. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know what I mean. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but god, if the protagonist just listening to her mother, instead of acting on her own accord, it would resolve 99% of the issues she encountered. I’d give this show like a 3.5/5, it was enjoyable but did have some flaws. I don’t think there will be a season 2…to me it seems unlikely and a bit…boring to drag out the story line.

I’ve been eating…

A lot of protein

Image via Woolworths

I’ve been trying to change up my diet a bit, and incorporate more protein into it. I’ve been finding it a bit difficult tbh! However, I have been snacking on nuts more, buying high protein snacks and yogurt and just making small changes to improve my intake of different nutrients that I am missing out on. That being said, I have been enjoying the Chobani protein yogurts, my favourite flavour is probably the mango one. Mango anything tastes good haha.

I’ve been drinking…

So much water

Image via @giorgiotrovato

Not sure if anyone else is the same, but I find that I drink so much water when I’m at work, but when I’m at home, I’m not as thirsty? I drink at least 2L of water everyday, but I am so much thirstier when I’m in the office! I drink a litre of water by 10am, and by 12pm I am onto my 3L! At home, I drink from a cup and use that as an excuse to get up, stretch and walk around to minimise sitting for long periods of time. Previously when I was working from home, I’d use a water bottle and refill whenever it was finished, but I prefer drinking from a cup now. Though I have a bad habit of refilling my cup and leaving it in the kitchen haha. If you work from home or in the office, do you think you consume more or less water? Maybe this is just a me thing haha.

I’ve been grateful for…

My body

Image via @estudiobloom

I have been trying to focus more on my health this year. I have definitely had my fair share of body image struggles, but who hasn’t? My mindset towards my body has really changed a lot since high school/my teen years, which is good. I used to judge myself quite harshly for how I looked and we are our own worst critic. I’m glad to have grown out of that mindset and I really appreciate my body for what it is/does and what it looks like. I mean a woman’s body is amazing, it can do so many things like birth a child and produce food for them too! We only get one body in life, so might as well appreciate it!

I’ve been looking forward to…


Image via @laurachouette

I’ve had a few plans cancelled and rescheduled this month, so now they are all occurring in April. I am very much lookin forward to that! I’m also looking forward to the public holidays, which means there are 3 weeks of 4 day work weeks next month, very exciting! I don’t have much planned so far, but any break from work is nice!

And that was my March! A big month, a long month, but a good month. Here’s to April and whatever else it throws at me haha.

What have you been up to this month? Any stand out plans/TV shows/foods/etc? I would love to know!

With love,

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