Meet me Mondays with Irene – @icxbeauty

Hello everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve put up a new blog post – I have been so swamped from work and my social battery has been so low. Going out after work and going out on the weekend, I tend to spend Sundays just recharging myself for the week so I have been a bit lacking on the blog posts – I apologise.

I thought since it’s the final Meet me Mondays for the year, I might do a little reintroduction of myself! So without further ado, let’s get into it!

Tell us a bit about yourself

Hello, my name is Irene, I’m 23 and I’m from Sydney! I run @VQP. usu BEAUTY and have been doing so on Instagram for over 5 years, and I’ve been running my blog for over 3 years! I love everything food, whether it’s cooking or eating. I enjoy getting creative, whether it’s writing or creating content. I started my first full time job a few months back and it has been really fun, though quite time consuming, but I love my job!

What has been the highlight of your year?

To be honest, this year has been really challenging for me, and I’m sure it has been challenging for everyone else as well. My highlight would be graduating university and landing a full time job!

What are some holy grail skincare products?

So hard to narrow down, but a few HGs include the Bondi Sands SPF50+ Fragrance Free Sunscreen Lotion, the Pyunkang Yul Essence Toner is amazing, the Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Lotion has been great – I have a review of that coming soon, the ESK Enlighten was amazing for hyperpigmentation and I guess my final choice would be….the Blistex SPF50+ Ultra Lip Balm.

What’s something your followers might not know about you? 

I love rap music! Rap, hip-hop, all that! But I like anything with a fun beat haha.

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

Hmm…in five years, I’d hope to have a property, I’d be engaged or married, I’d be in a more senior position in my career, I’d be surrounded by great people and I’d be happy 🙂

What are you looking forward to next year? 

Next year, I am looking forward to celebrating another anniversary with my boyfriend, going to concerts and there might be a fun international work event towards the end of 2022, so I’m looking forward to that!

What’s currently on your wish list?

Oooh there’s a few actually! I want to try the Gisou hair oil, I’ve heard good things about it. I also want a Christmas makeup set from Laura Mercier, I have been eyeing some Maison Margiela fragrances and I think that’s it!

For the non-beauty stuff, I love kitchenware and bakeware haha so anything that I don’t already own is on my wish list. I also want a few candles, can never get enough of those. I’ve also been thinking of purchasing a gold necklace for some time, but it’s on the backburner, maybe I’ll find the right one one day!

Are you currently reading/watching/listening to anything good? 

I’m currently watching The Five Juanas on Netflix! It’s a Mexican show about five women who end meeting each other and discover that they are all half sisters and have the same name – Juana. They try to find out more about how this came about, who their father is and what else they were sheltered from when they were growing up. It’s pretty good, I am liking it so far. I’ll do a little review on my story once I’ve finished the series!

If you were stuck on an island for 48 hours, what 3 things would you bring with you? 

I’d bring my boyfriend to keep me entertained, a lot of food and drinks and…a bed of some sort or a really cosy blanket haha.

Where can we find you on social media?

Find me over at @icxbeauty and thank you so much for all your support, whether you are from a few months ago, or from a few years ago, I appreciate all the love and support this community has given me over the years!

I hope you enjoyed learning more about me, I will try to get more content up for the rest of this month, if not, then the next. Thank you for your kindness and patience, have a great week!

With love,

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